What to include in an investor proposal? (Checklist)
Apr 19, 2017
If you are considering crowdfunding as your start-up funding option then you should put together an investor proposal, which will include everything that an investor needs to know about your start-up whilst considering investing money in your business. This proposal should then be summarised as a ‘snapshot’ of the opportunity into an investor 1-pager that outlines the contents of your proposal giving the investor a brief overview.
In today’s blog, we are sharing a handy cheat sheet that will walk you through all the points that an investor proposal should include.
Your introduction is basically a summary of all the points that you will include in your 2 pager. The main aspects to include are: background about the target market, statistics and the opportunity. Your introduction should persuade your potential investor to read on.
What’s the story?
Your story should include the reason why your company exists and describe the problem that you are trying to solve. It should be written in a way that evokes emotions and connects with the reader on an emotional level.
The Value Proposition
A value proposition statement describes the value that your company aims to bring to your customers. It should clearly state the benefits of using your product or service and describe your unique selling point that will differentiate you from your competitors.
The Target Audience
Your audience is people who are looking for what you have to offer. In this point, you should state the geographical areas that you are planning to target, the demographics that you are trying to appeal to and also their preferences and lifestyle.
Routes to Market
Your routes to market are your marketing channels. This point is an outline of your marketing plan and the ways in which you will reach out to your customers.
Client Relationships
Your client relationships are your ways of engaging with your customers. Will you work with your customers one on one? Will you have a team that will handle some of your client relationships and communications?
Revenue Streams
This is a very important point which outlines ways in which you are planning to make money. What is your monetisation strategy?
Key Activities & Resources
This point states the activities that your company will carry out in order to bring your value proposition to its customers. Those can be building a team, developing your products/service packages or your marketing activities.
The Key Partnerships
Those are people or companies with who you plan to partner so that you can grow your company faster. Key partners might be people who will refer customers to your business or companies which will help you develop your products or your brand.
The Team
This point is an outline of everybody involved in the project. You have to prove to your potential investor that your team has all the necessary skills in order to make your business successful.
Competitor’s Analysis
This point is all about market research. Your potential investor needs to know what are the other players in your field in order to assess the chance of your business succeeding.
Financial Requirements
Know your numbers. Make sure that you are aware of all the costs that you will incur in order to bring your idea to the market.
Investor Relations
Give your investor a brief overview of how you will handle your relationship. Would you like your investor to be actively involved in helping you to build your start-up? Or do you just need the money?
Where Next?
Have a plan for the future. Explain your 3 and 5-year plan and your exit strategy so that your investor knows when he can expect to get his return on investment.