Investor Matching from ISQ

Over the years, we've supported £50million of equity investment. As such, we've built a list of individuals who invest in businesses like yours. 

Get in front of our investor list

Just pay an admin fee

How it works

  1. Until we build our list to 500 investors* we're simply charging an admin fee for this service.
  2. You pay just the £90 admin fee via the link below
  3. We send our one-pager template for you to complete, and you then return it to us by email
  4. We review your one-pager and sign it off
  5. We then send it to our investor list and ask all investors if they would like an email introduction 
  6. We let you know of introduction requests.
  7. We make the introduction by email and you can then liaise with the investor directly

*our list is currently between 200-300 investors who have recently opted in to receive opportunities. February 2025. We launched this service in December 2024.