Our Programmes



Main Programmes

How to equity crowdfund using Seedrs or Crowdcube

from Ā£1,000 + VAT

  • 1Ā - Introducing the journey and laying foundations
  • 2Ā - Understanding your crowd and building your presence
  • 3 - Rolling out the comms and marketing it up
  • 4 - Taking things up a notch
  • 5 - Getting it launched
  • 6 - Getting it over the line
More info + demo

How to raise investment without using a public equity crowdfunding platform

from Ā£120/month + VAT

  • 1 - Prepare and/or polish your investor docs
  • 2 - Grow and target your LinkedIn investor network
  • 3 - Use our comms and marketing plans to contact potential investors
  • 4 - Collect your investments
More info + demo
Other Programmes:


How to Use Linkedin to Raise Investment

Ā£149 + VAT

  • Level up your Linkedin game, build your network and raise investment
More info

Documents for Fundraising

How to create your funding documents

Ā£225 + VAT

  • Create a stellar investor pitch deck toĀ engageĀ investors & secure investments
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Live Campaign Support for Seedrs + Crowdcube

Crowdfunding Support - Live Campaigns

from Ā£300 + VAT

  • How to launch & run Private Live
  • How to launch & run Public Live
  • Final details before going private live
  • Tips And Troubleshooting when things could be improved
More info

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