ISQ Blog

Welcome to our blog where we share our knowledge and top tips around crowdfunding, raising equity investment, clients’ success stories and industry news.

Guest Blog: How do Entrepreneurial Competitions and Awards Benefit the Startup Sector? May 25, 2015

The benefits for a startup entering – let alone winning – entrepreneurial competitions or awards are myriad. However, there are three main sectors in ...

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ISQ founder Kirsty on How to Make Your Equity-Crowdfunding Round a Success May 15, 2015

In the last five years, equity crowdfunding has become an increasingly common way of raising capital for businesses. Whilst traditional fundraising me...

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How to Get Your Next Great Business Idea Apr 06, 2015

It’s the eternal question: where do entrepreneurs get their big ideas from? Whilst inspiration can strike at the least expected times, it can also pro...

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Supporting Customers Through Social Media Mar 23, 2015

The days of using marketing tools to promote and advertise your products and services are long gone. In today’s highly competitive market

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Six Top Tips for BETA Testing Mar 09, 2015

Whether you’re a multibillion-dollar business, or a start-up working out of your own garage, beta testing is essential for new technology products. By...

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The Benefits of an Investment Proposal Jan 05, 2015

Having ascertained a market value for your business idea, acquiring funding is often fundamental to the progression of any seed-stage startup.

An inv...

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