ISQ Blog

Welcome to our blog where we share our knowledge and top tips around crowdfunding, raising equity investment, clientsā€™ success stories and industry news.

2020ā€™s success stories - part one Mar 24, 2020

2020 is certainly shaping up to be an interesting one, and we’re lucky to have seen new clients join our crowdfunding wall of fame, with...

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Are you ready for equity crowdfunding? Dec 04, 2019

With the new year approaching, you might be thinking about raising investment for your business and wondering, "is crowdfunding right for me?"...

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November's success stories Nov 29, 2019

November sees Decimal Factor join our crowdfunding wall of fame.

Decimal Factor was founded by Manoj Karkhanis in 2008 as an alternative finance...

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Crowdfunding in uncertain economic times Nov 07, 2019

We have been experiencing tumultuous economic and political times of late. There isn’t a day that goes by without headlines about Brexit, a...

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September's success stories: Old Gold Racing Sep 30, 2019

Old Gold Racing is our latest addition to our crowdfunding wall of fame.

Old Gold Racing aims to revolutionise the way that the UK’s 2nd...

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How do you turn your customers into investors? Sep 18, 2019

Crowdfunding is a great way to give your customers a stake in your business and turn them into fully-fledged brand ambassadors. But how do you get...

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August's success stories: Reset Paris and Gendius Aug 30, 2019

This August, another two clients joined our crowdfunding wall of fame: Reset Paris and Gendius.

Reset Paris was crowdfunding to bring holistic...

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How to get traction for your startup Aug 29, 2019

A question that early-stage founders often ask is around traction. For many investors, a decent amount of traction - be that interest or real...

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July's success stories: Riversimple Jul 31, 2019

Riversimple joined the ranks of our successful clients this month.

Riversimple wants to eliminate the environmental impact of personal transport...

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8 Words you should consider removing from your crowdfunding pitch Jul 25, 2019

When writing your crowdfunding pitch, you’ll want to impress your potential investors for all the right reasons. This takes careful...

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Make your fundraise a grand slam: how to court angel investors Jul 16, 2019

The following article has been written for IdeaSquares by Scott Haughton, COO at Envestors.

Sophisticated investors are just that –...

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June's success stories: Koy Clothing, Hayche, MarketOrders and Save Your Wardrobe Jun 27, 2019

We were delighted to add four more clients to our crowdfunding hall of fame in June.

Brothers Alastair and Jimmy set up Koy Clothing, an African...

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