ISQ Blog

Welcome to our blog where we share our knowledge and top tips around crowdfunding, raising equity investment, clientsā€™ success stories and industry news.

Equity Crowdfunding - What does it cost? Oct 20, 2022

The thing with clichés is more often than not, they’re true. That’s certainly so of the well-known adage ‘You’ve got...

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Advance Subscription Agreement - Why raise investment this way? Oct 12, 2022

Here at ISQ, we’re often asked about the various ways of raising crowdfunding investment. One of these options is an Advance Subscription...

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Improvements to the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) Oct 05, 2022

The recent mini-budget announced positive changes to the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), a scheme which provides income tax relief to...

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How to Apply for SEIS: Get help preparing your SEIS & EIS application with SeedLegals Sep 28, 2022

Wondering how to apply for SEIS and EIS?

ISQ partners with SeedLegals to help clients through the SEIS and EIS application process with HMRC. Here...

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Case study: Just Fix successfully overfund to 195% on Seedrs Sep 21, 2022

Platform: Seedrs

Campaign target: £200,000

Final amount raised: £391,610

Overfunding: 195%

Number of investors: 317


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Stages of Business Investment - Part 1 - Seed Investment Sep 14, 2022

Businesses typically seek investment at various stages of their growth and development. The term ‘Seed Investment’ is one generally...

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5 More Networking Tips To Boost Your Equity Crowdfunding Efforts Sep 06, 2022

Finding equity crowdfunding investors can be difficult at the start. But with enough effort, you should be able to reach your financial goals in no...

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Case study: Barking up the right tree, Your Dog's Club raises Ā£334k in 2nd Seedrs campaign Aug 31, 2022

“I’ve got two key mantras, firstly don’t re-invent the wheel, and secondly if there’s a proven process, follow it. ISQ has...

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Crowdfunding - The good and the not so good Aug 24, 2022

I really wanted to title this article “Crowdfunding - The B.U.G.” i.e the Bad, the Ugly and the Good. However, I wasn’t sure it...

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Case study: Famli reaches 205% overfunding on Seedrs Aug 17, 2022

"We didn't know where to start and were quite uncertain in our ability to run a successful crowdfunding campaign due to our lack of experience in...

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How important is team engagement when raising investment? Aug 10, 2022

This is often a more complex question than people expect, so I’m breaking it down into two parts. If you’re short of time, Part One...

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Who is 'the crowd' in crowdfunding? Jul 27, 2022

Crowdfunding is often seen as a different type of fundraising to say, raising angel investment or, the family and friends round. I find it so...

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