ISQ Blog

Welcome to our blog where we share our knowledge and top tips around crowdfunding, raising equity investment, clientsā€™ success stories and industry news.

Case study: The Portfolio Platform - our fastest client campaign ever on Seedrs! May 10, 2023

Our fastest client campaign…EVER! Public for only 3 days on Seedrs


Client: The Portfolio Platform

Platform: Seedrs

Campaign target: ...

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3, often fatal, mistakes made by new businesses May 03, 2023

There are any number of things which can go wrong with an early-stage business. Getting from an idea to a successfully operating business is no...

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Case study: Let's Go See flies to great heights on Seedrs Apr 24, 2023

"This was our second funding round and our first using a crowdfunding platform. As crowdfunding newbies, we had a lot to learn and having...

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Top 3 ways to position your campaign for success: How to stand out from the crowdfunding crowd Mar 29, 2023

As we watch crowdfunding grow and grow in popularity, ever more entrepreneurs and businesses are looking to get involved, and rightly so. ...

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Case study: meetspaceVR raises Ā£734K from 314 investors on Seedrs Mar 22, 2023

“Would hate to have gone through what we went through without you.” - John Lilley, C-Founder & CEO of meetspaceVR 

Client: ...

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6 things you should be doing on Linkedin now if want to crowdfund Mar 15, 2023

“The crowd round” is something that many businesses now have on their radar as a potential activity. Crowdfunding is now widely...

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The Secondary Market ā€“ JP Jenkins Mar 01, 2023

The need for liquidity in private markets is becoming more crucial than ever before.


With private equity investments at an all-time high....

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How's your public profile? Any skeletons in your virtual closet? Feb 22, 2023

Is your virtual closet in need of a vacuum and a lick of paint?


  • Have you thought about what people might discover if they search for and...
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Case study: Cosimo.Art raises Ā£130K from 173 investors on Seedrs Feb 15, 2023

“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the framework and support from ISQ.” - John Sewell, Founder of Cosimo



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Emotional Advertising - Connecting your video with your audience Feb 08, 2023


How does Creating Emotional Connection Benefit a Brand?

Potential buyers want to be advised as to how your product or service can help to...

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Share Classes - An introduction Feb 01, 2023

When raising investment, there are several types of shares a company can issue including ordinary, preference, non-voting, and redeemable. When it...

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How many types of plan does a business need? Jan 25, 2023

No doubt this will date me, but I come from a corporate background where there was no shortage of planning tools and documents. And to this day I...

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