ISQ Blog

Welcome to our blog where we share our knowledge and top tips around crowdfunding, raising equity investment, clients’ success stories and industry news.

The ‘what, why and how’ of 10 fundamental KPIs Sep 12, 2018

Understanding your company’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is essential. This information can be used to show off your business potential...

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Creating a compelling pitch Jul 06, 2018

A version of this blog post was originally written for and published on the Crowdcube website.

Can you tell me what your business...

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The Importance of your Crowdfunding Hit List Jun 04, 2018

Crowdfunding campaigns that have very quick initial momentum are often caused by lots of hard work from the team prior to the campaign launch....

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Crowdfunding, do you get it? May 27, 2018

Here at ISQ, there is nothing we like more than helping businesses achieve crowdfunding success. But sadly, we often have to deliver harsh truths...

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Alumni interview: AliveLab Apr 27, 2018

 AliveLab is a UK-based augmented reality toy company that launched an equity crowdfunding campaign on Seedrs in September with our...

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What do the new EIS/SEIS stricter guidelines mean for crowdfunding? Mar 22, 2018

Since HMRC brought in stricter guidelines at the start of the year in regards to providing prospective crowdfunders with advanced assurance of...

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Don’t get trigger happy! Feb 15, 2018

So you’re all ready to go live on your chosen platform. You’ve spent days perfecting your pitch, your video looks slick, you’re...

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Crowdfunding – Working Your Network Jan 17, 2018

Many of you will know that one of the keys to a successful crowdfunding raise is your ability to bring a fair bit of the crowd, and their wallets,...

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Case study: Interview With Franck Oksen Nov 07, 2017

Franck Oksenhendler launched his spiced rums Famille Oksen in 2013. With a French distribution network secured and a number of awards in the bag,...

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching a Crowdfunding Campaign Oct 19, 2017

Crowdfunding is an amazingly powerful way to raise funding for a startup, however, it doesn’t work for everybody. Getting a crowdfunding...

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How to beat the odds when crowdfunding? Sep 20, 2017

Crowdfunding is one of the largest and most popular funding routes for start-ups right now. But if you think that it is a risk free way of getting...

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7 reasons why you should be thinking about crowdfunding Jun 14, 2017

Numerous business ideas are launched into the market every single day. However, prior to launch, each product or service needs to pass the...

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