ISQ Blog

Welcome to our blog where we share our knowledge and top tips around crowdfunding, raising equity investment, clientsā€™ success stories and industry news.

Case study: Cycling the road to success on Crowdcube Jul 20, 2022

"10/10 for support, content, advice, guidance, and motivation. If you feel you need someone to ‘hold your hand’ as you journey through...

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10 things to understand before you equity crowdfund Jul 13, 2022

Are you thinking of crowdfunding? Here are 10 things you should understand before you get started.

  1. Much of the investment will come from your...
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A recipe for crowdfunding success Jun 29, 2022

There are many ways to fund your business venture. Equity crowdfunding, by which you invite a multitude of investors to own shares in your...

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Tips to Start a Small Business in Your Local Community Jun 15, 2022

Small businesses can have a significant impact on their local community as they provide employment opportunities and can sometimes support...

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How much equity should we sell? May 30, 2022

When we start out with clients, often they haven’t got this figure firmed up in their mind, and that’s ok. It’s a big thing to...

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Email marketing; do you allow for time-sensitive opt-outs? May 11, 2022

How many emails does your company send? Do you have a product or service that you promote at particular times? I’d be surprised if you...

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What is the Seedrs secondary market? May 03, 2022

The secondary market, currently only available on the Seedrs platform, provides an opportunity to offer investors in your business a chance to get...

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What is SEIS and EIS and how can it help you raise investment? Apr 21, 2022

If you’ve not heard of the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) and Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), and you’re thinking of...

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How important is a company newsletter? Apr 19, 2022

A company newsletter is traditionally issued monthly to your customers, clients, or email subscribers, providing them with an update of...

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Case study: A campaign on the Straight & Narrow path to success! Mar 28, 2022

Straight & Narrow joined ISQ late 2021, ready to produce and distribute a portfolio of Premium 0% Non-Alcoholic drinks in 2022. They said...

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Equity crowdfunding, youā€™re NOT asking for a handout Mar 16, 2022

We often speak to people who are nervous about ‘asking friends for money’, and frequently hear ‘I’m a bit reluctant to ask...

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Tips to manage cash flow Mar 02, 2022

Ask any entrepreneur about the biggest challenges of running the show, and you’ll more than likely hear mention of maintaining a healthy cash...

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