ISQ Blog

Welcome to our blog where we share our knowledge and top tips around crowdfunding, raising equity investment, clientsā€™ success stories and industry news.

Why raise investment and what are the top three options? Jan 18, 2023

We mostly write about and discuss the world of crowdfunding. But in this article, I’m going to take a step back to consider why a business...

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Case study: Tutti reaches max overfunding on Seedrs Jan 11, 2023

"ISQ removes a lot of the unknown ahead of time so that you don't have to worry about everything….I'd recommend it to anyone who's...

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Types of crowdfunding - Equity Vs Rewards Jan 04, 2023

There are a variety of ways a business can raise capital in order to meet their ambitions and strategic objectives. Two common routes to funding...

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11 Questions you must be able to answer about your business Dec 21, 2022

I’ve previously written about the seven most common questions asked by investors < there's the link if you want a refresh.


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Do People Invest In People? Dec 14, 2022

‘"Invest in people, not things."

Clichés are often dismissed as trivial and unimaginative. But it’s not at all unusual for a...

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Case study: Roam raises over Ā£1,8M on Seedrs Dec 07, 2022

“I knew we needed someone with exceptional ability to help guide us through the crowdfunding process. And Steph was exactly that. She fully...

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Introduction to equity crowdfunding platforms - Crowdcube and Seedrs Nov 30, 2022

UK Equity Crowdfunding Platforms

Crowdcube and Seedrs are the most well-known equity crowdfunding platforms in the UK. Contrary to the way most...

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4 Common Valuation Models - An introduction Nov 23, 2022

Business valuation as it relates to crowdfunding is a mixture of science and dark art. Elsewhere we’ve talked about the approach to business...

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Crowdfunding Business Valuation: 9 One-Liners Nov 16, 2022

It’s a rare day when I’m not asked a question about valuation for businesses raising investment via crowdfunding. There’s no...

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Seven most common questions asked by investors Nov 09, 2022

Investors considering supporting your crowdfunding campaign can and will ask all sorts of questions. Here are just seven of the common ones, which...

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VCs, Angels, Family Offices - Introduction to types of investors Nov 02, 2022

No, a family office is not a cosy mahogany-lined room with well-used, yet comfortable, leather furniture where you meet to discuss important things...

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Case study: Collabed overfunds by 130% on Seedrs Oct 26, 2022

"ISQ are the crowdfunding experts, they helped us get the most out of our campaign and assisted Collabed every step of the way. Their programme is...

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